Thursday, March 17, 2016

What is Diabetes, Really?

Diabetes is...

An out of place juicebox on the corner of the yoga mat
disrupting the zen.
A parent's cold sweat in the middle of the night
when the phone rings.
Fingers absently tracing over tubing
checking for kinks.
And finger tips, callusing over - while inflamed tissue grows
on the belly.
Bruising and leaving purple polka dots.
It's an intrusion - 
on sleep;
on the mind;
on the body.
It's sagging eyelids and a churning tummy
forced awake in the middle of the night.
A ravenous hunger and, an hour later,
a deep-seated nausea.
A constant tug of war between
peace of mind -
and staying alive.
It is a victory cry - at the end of a hike, a recital, a first sleepover, a first date.
The hurdle that makes the crossing of the finish line
It is the longest significant other ever to be entangled with.
It is mine.


  1. Wow!! Couldn't have said it better myself!


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